
Patient feedback Vs. Survey results: Diagnosing the disconnect with actionable data

A patient satisfaction survey is a set of questions used to collect patient’s feedback from a patient to measure patient satisfaction with the quality and care provided by the healthcare  provider. The Patient Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire helps assess the basic indicators of overall patient care that help healthcare organizations understand the level of care provided and the pitfalls of service. 

Patient Satisfaction Survey Questions 

The Patient Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire should contain some important questions for an effective patient’s feedback. This sample survey can be adjusted according to official requirements. 

Here are the top five questions that should  be  part of your patient satisfaction survey 

How would you rate the diagnostic survey process  you received? 

Patients often walk into hospitals with localized pain and do not know how to explain the pain and other symptoms to medical care professionals. It requires knowledge and foresight on the part of the medical care professionals to conduct an investigative diagnosis with a mix of patient history, family history, conducting tests, and providing essential medication. The medical examination services template will offer you insight into the patient’s experience during this diagnostic process of providing care. 

How often did you receive conflicting information from different medical care professionals at this hospital? 

One of the most important yardsticks to understand your current staff`s caliber is to map the number of times a patient received conflicting information from different medical care professionals. It will help put in place a process to disseminate information and conduct on the job training if required. 

What is the difference in the care provided by the hospitals available in your area? 

Hospitals must always provide high quality treatment to all their patients. It is also essential to build on your strengths while implementing best practices from other hospitals in your local area. The healthcare opinion survey template can provide a quick snapshot of how you stand versus your localized peers. 

Were your copayments and coinsurances split correctly between Medicare and Medicaid by the hospital? 

Being covered under Medicare and Medicaid is not a personal choice but a federal mandate. Hence if the patients are asked insensitive questions about their coverage and billed incorrectly, this drives patients away. Conducting a healthcare wellbeing survey helps streamline services for the aged and underprivileged. 

As a woman, did you feel comfortable talking to the gynecologist? 

Many women are skeptical of seeing an obstetrician and gynecologist because they are nervous for many reasons. Collecting patient’s feedback in a female health care survey on how comfortable it is for someone to visit or discuss a problem can help make it more assertive and comfortable for the patient. 

Can my doctor make  a quick diagnosis and prescribe medication? 

When someone is ill, the first instinct is to go to your doctor instead of the  hospital. In most cases, this is the only medical care needed, but if primary care is inadequate, patients may be forced to resort to secondary care. You can use the Clinic Survey Template to collect feedback on care provided as the first  contact for a sick person.

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