
Patient’s experience – Focused by ROI

Patient’s experience, consumer based healthcare, patient driven care, consumer engagement are just some of the ways patient / provider interaction is being discussed. Healthcare consumers have choices, and they are exercising their choice creating a situation that forces providers to take into account patient likes, dislikes and most importantly, convenience. 

“When it comes to the patient’s experience, money is spent on all sorts of items without there being a lot of consideration beyond what makes the patient comfortable,” said Patrick Leonpacher, Chief Operating Officer for Jellyfish Health. “We simply make the decision because we know patient satisfaction matters.” 

Patient Experience with an ROI? 

Providers instinctively understand that patient experience is important, but how is that quantified into an ROI for the practice? Much like other industries have discovered, it requires a slight shift in focus to view patient experience as tangible, and the use of technology to quantify the results. 

Additionally, the use of technology actually “humanizes” the patient experience by providing consistent updates, allowing for realtime choices to be made, and supporting providers with actionable data to improve everything from checking to wait times to patient followup. 

“Recently we had a client receive 37% improvement in wait times utilizing our solution. That translates to a large improvement in patient experience just from the fact that patients are being seen promptly, making them feel important,” said Leonpacher. “It also shows that operational improvements are easily attainable with the right solution, making the jobs of the entire provider team easier.” 

A recent article in Hospitals and Health Networks outlined the trends they expect to see in healthcare for 2016. In most cases, the need for healthcare providers to increase the positive  experience of their patients was a fundamental factor. In addition, the focus will be  on a consideration-based payment model that links the patient’s experience  to childbirth. 

“Without the ability to actively respond to patients, healthcare providers are quickly in a difficult competitive position,” says Leon Patcher. “Implementing a solution like Jellyfish Health gives providers  a foothold in a positive patient experience while achieving ROI.” 

“For  competitive providers, patient’s experience It’s time to  seriously think about how  to deal with it and do our best. ROI, “says Leonpacher. “The Jellyfish Health solution is ahead of the curve by providing ROI to providers who want to deliver a positive patient experience while improving satisfaction, throughput and volume.” 

ROI for patient experience  is an important factor for providers. It’s clear. And that consumer-centric healthcare stays here. Take action now to gain a competitive advantage.

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