
Pharmaceutical industry – The Global history

Pharmaceutical industry history from the last half of the 19th century to the end of war II, is split into nine sections for the aim of dialogue .

1. The ecu medical and pharmaceutical science and technology at the top of the 19th century is reviewed. Pharmacology, bacteriology and biochemistry were inbuilt in this era .

2. The Meiji Government accepted Western medicine and medical law and regulations in 1883. Consequently, the Japanese physician changed from Eastern (Kanpooi) to Western (Seiyuu).

3. Modern scientific and engineering education has been accepted in America, England, Germany, and France etc. Foreign scientists and engineers (Oyatoi-gai-kokujin) were educated by practice and theory. The school of Engineering was established within the universities in Japan. This fact is one among the differences within the history of universities in Europe and America.

4. Pharmaceutical education within the Meiji period (1873-1911). Twenty-nine schools of pharmacy were inbuilt this era . However, 20 schools of pharmacy had been closed. Pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry wasn’t established within the Meiji era.

5. The profession of pharmacist in 1873-1944. The policy of drugs was changed by the Meiji Government in 1889, when Western physicians were allowed to organize medicines for patients, and this practice continues today. Political and technological power of Japanese pharmacists was weak, so their role wasn’t estimated.

6. Consequences of war I, and therefore the establishment of the pharmaceutical industry. The Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) and Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) were won fortunately. The primary drug company was established in 1885. At this point , many pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, which were converted from wholesale merchants, were built. Then started the manufacturing of economic drugs.

7. Hygienic chemistry and a few problems of public hygiene. The causes of diseases unique to Japan, like beriberi (Katuke), were looked for in medical and agricultural laboratories. Dr. Suzuki discovered olizanine from rice bran, which was effective for deficiency of vitamin B1 disease. However, pharmaceutical scientists didn’t participate during this research. Hygienic and forensic chemistry were included in pharmaceutical departments.

8. Pharmaceutical scientific studies in Europe and Japan within the half of the 20th century. the invention of a drug for the treatment of syphilis by Ehrlich-Hata (1889), then chemotherapeutics were started. Adrenalin, the primary isolated hormone, by Takamine (1900), after this point many hormones were discovered. The primary Japanese pharmacists who studied abroad studied in Germany and came back to Japan. Then, they built the pharmaceutical sciences. Studies on natural products by chemistry and chemistry were started.

9. Pharmaceutical scientific and technology during 15 Years of War (1931-45). Since 1930, theoretical chemistry has been developed in England and America. the invention of chemotherapeutics and antibiotics (sulfonamides and penicillin) and studies on some vitamins and hormones proceeded during the 15 years of war (1931-45) at Tokyo and Kyoto Universities, and a few institutes in China and Manchuria. Studies on antimalarial, sulfonamides and penicillins were administered .

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